Tracking technician location to dynamically allocate resources

The best phone location tracking app in field service management

Introduce predictability in field service

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Dashboard of customer service CRM software in Field Service

Location tracking app an integral part of the mobile field service management

Navigate faster, locate installation sites using the field service tracking app

The mobile location tracking app uses GPS and Google APIs to deliver pinpoint accuracy on your field personnel location. So, every activity on location is geo-tagged. You know when he reached, the time he finished and left for the next location. Even the photos taken on-site have a location tag.

Each service ticket that is pushed to his field service management mobile location tracking app has a site location and that is geo-tagged as well. So, all he has to do is point to the site and navigate using Google Maps on his mobile.

Maintain history of activities tagged by location and flag outlying behavior.

Service CRM> Mobile location tracking app

4 uses of mobile phone location tracking

4 uses of phone location tracking app

Saleswah CRM phone location tracking app for field service management

Our customers use Saleswah CRM field service tracking app for the following purposes:

  • Knowing where their field people are, ensuring all customer-facing activities are on location.
  • Help the field people navigate to the service location
  • Re-assign the task to a service technician who may be closer to the service location than the originally assigned person.
  • Accurately locating the customer location and area.

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Free for 15 days. No credit card needed.

Locate technicians last location

Technicians need to check in and check out of every location. Which means their location is always known centrally. Also, every action they take is geo-tagged- be it uploading a photo or taking customer’s signature.

Help technicians navigate

All service locations can be geo-tagged which means all the technician needs to do is open a service ticket on his mobile location tracking app, point to the site location and use Google maps to navigate.

Re-assign ticket

Saleswah CRM automatically assigns the ticket to a technician who is normally assigned an area.

But, as a manager, you can re-assign the ticket- if the assigned technician is far away from the site and another technician has logged in to a nearby location using his phone location tracking app.

When you need sites on map

Many times, the locations where installed equipment are, may not even have a postal address- like Telecom towers, oil rigs, solar panels in deserts or wind turbines.

In such cases, you need to geo-tag the installed locations. So that they can be reached.

The four key benefits of Saleswah CRM Phone location tracking app

Ensure compliance

Time and location tag all service activities. Flag those that are not in the right vicinity. The field service tracking app enables that.

Technicians know they are being tracked- so, they ensure they are in the right spot at the right time.

Save time

The phone location tracking app helps the technicians navigate to the service location faster.

Dynamically allocate resources

Constantly monitor the unsolved tickets for the day and know which technician is free and more importantly near the service location.

Then, switch the ticket to the technician who is closer so that the ticket can be resolved faster.

Does not drain the battery

The phone location tracking app strikes and optimum balance between functionality and battery life.

Since it is not tracking continuously, your field people need not worry about running out of charge even after a whole day out in the field.

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