Terms and conditions of use of services provided by us

This document applies to all present and future services provided by Anwesha CRM Pvt Ltd – including but not limited to Saleswah CRM, Simply C2 and other custom services.

Terms of use for all software product and or service delivered by Anwesha Customer Relations Marketing Pvt Ltd.

Anwesha Customer Relations Marketing Pvt Ltd (Anwesha CRM), a company headquartered in Delhi, India is in the business of providing software products, tools and training primarily focused on improving the sales and marketing effectiveness of its clients. Its products, including Saleswah CRM are software products  ordinarily delivered over the internet. You are signalling the intent to use Anwesha CRM’s online and offline services, while

  • Clicking the Submit button, when registering to create an account for your company on any of our services/ online products.
  • Logging in to your account created by your authorized company representative to use any such online service.

This means that you agree to the following terms and conditions (the “Agreement”) governing your use of ANWESHA CRM’s products and services, delivered online or offline, for payment or for free or in a demonstration or trial version.

Data collected from you and it’s use

In the process of registering for using our online services, you will need to provide us with your name, email address and mobile number. Your access to the services depends on this. If you do not wish to share your name, email and mobile number, please do not try to login to our services.

Personal data deletion process

If you wish to discontinue using our services, please let us know and we will delete your name, email and mobile number from our system and deactivate your access to our services. All such requests should be communicated to privacy@anwesha.in.

The Agreement

You agree that you are representing a company by your act. If you are entering this agreement on behalf of a company, then we understand and you understand that you have the authority vested in you to do so. You hereby undertake to communicate the terms of the agreement to all those from your company who will be granted access to any such online product and/ or service from Anwesha.

Anwesha CRM will

  • Allow you access for using the software hosted by it.
  • Host all your data related to use of this software.

This access will be granted by virtue of a “license” or a “subscription” which you may purchase for a fee from Anwesha CRM.

License Grant and Operation

All licenses are assigned to and operated by individual users working in companies and renewals are on individual basis. User licenses cannot be shared with others or used by more than one individual User. However, a license may be re-assigned in the middle of the license term to another user if the original user is no longer using Saleswah CRM on account of change in employment status or job role. All licenses are renewable and operable individually.

Restrictions and lawful use

You will always use services from Anwesha in accordance with the provisions of national and international laws. In particular

  1.  You will not interfere with the performance of the software or attempt to gain unauthorized access it or related networks or servers.
  2. You shall not, as has been set out explicitly in the privacy policy store information related to your customers or other users that can point to their medical or health condition, political opinion, religion, race or ethnic origin, sexual orientation or alleged or actual criminal activity.
  3. You shall not impersonate another user or person; nor will you mis-represent any details you share about yourself or your employer.
  4. You shall not send spam or other unsolicited commercial messages
  5. Mobile messaging alerts: Specifically, some Anwesha CRM software products are able to send SMS alerts to registered users triggered by specific conditions and ONLY to fellow users of the system from the same organization. By sharing your mobile number in your individual profile after logging into the service, you consent to receiving periodical SMS alerts from the system related to activities related to your work. These SMS messages will come from a SMS short code/ mobile number owned by Anwesha.  You hereby consent to receiving those alerts on your registered mobile number till you are registered as a user on the system. You have an option to remove your mobile number from your profile in the event that you do not want to be contacted on mobile.
  6. You shall not store or send obscene, threatening, libellous, or other material
    • That is unlawful
    • Violate the privacy rights of recipients.
    • You shall not knowingly send or store harmful computer code such as viruses or Trojan horses or files that contain them.
    • You understand that while Anwesha CRM is the custodian and safe-keeper of your data while you use the services provided by it, Anwesha CRM or its employees or directors will not access your data except with your express permission.

Privacy and Security

To access our privacy policies, please visit the privacy policy on our website. Any update to these policies will always be notified on our website homepage. You hereby grant to ANWESHA CRM the right to disclose that you are a subscriber to its product and/ or services.

Upgrades and Updates in Service

As part of your service agreement, Anwesha CRM reserves the right to periodically update your subscription service. You may experience brief interruptions in service while updates are being implemented throughout the system.


You agree to provide accurate billing and account data with your subscription. You are responsible to abide by local and international laws in the use of Anwesha CRM products and services. Should you be aware of data or password(s) that have been compromised, you are forbidden from distributing that information and are responsible to notify ANWESHA CRM immediately at accountservices@saleswah.com Any rights not specifically granted in this agreement are reserved by ANWESHA CRM.

Account Information and Data Ownership:

In the event this Agreement is terminated (other than by reason of your breach), ANWESHA CRM will make available to you a file of the Customer Data within 7 days of termination if you so request at the time of termination, subject to you making good any outstanding amount due on your account. Scope of the customer data thus shared will include profile information of active  “Accounts”, “Contacts” and “Sites” ONLY that existed in your account on the day of account closure. Feel free to use our in-app reporting tools to download any additional, especially transactional data, before account closure.

ANWESHA CRM reserves the right to withhold, remove and/or discard Customer Data without notice for any breach, including, without limitation, your non-payment. Upon termination for cause, your right to access or use Customer Data immediately ceases, and ANWESHA CRM shall have no obligation to maintain or forward any Customer Data.

Intellectual Property of the Service

All software, services, images and application are the sole property of Anwesha CRM and its licensors, if applicable. ANWESHA CRM owns all right, title and interest, including Intellectual Property Rights, in and to its technology, the Content and the Service and any suggestions, ideas, enhancements, requests, feedback, recommendations or other information provided by you or anyone else relating to this Service, This agreement is not a sale and does not give you any rights of ownership related to the services provided by Anwesha, including but not limited to the Saleswah CRM or ANWESHA CRM technology, or the Intellectual Property Rights owned by ANWESHA CRM.

Third Party Activities

Anwesha CRM does NOT, will NOT share your contact details with anyone else for marketing any other product or service whatsoever.

Payments, billing and licenses

Each account will be charged for the number of ordered subscription seats, not for the number of currently Active users. You can add users to the maximum number of active licenses your company has purchased. If you need to add a user beyond the number of licenses, you need to purchase additional licenses. Licenses already purchased and paid for will NOT be pared down to the level of currently active users automatically. It will be the responsibility of the designated administrator from your company to decrease the number of licenses required down to the total number of currently active users.

ANWESHA CRM charges and collects in advance for use of the Service. If there is a problem with your bill, contact FinAcc@anwesha.in within 10 days of the bill in question. ANWESHA CRM’s fees are exclusive of taxes, levies or duties imposed by taxing authorities. You will be responsible for payment of all such taxes, levies or duties. You agree to provide ANWESHA CRM with complete and accurate billing and contact information. This information includes your legal company name, street address, e-mail address, and name and telephone number of an authorized billing contact and License Administrator. You agree to update this information within 10 days of any change to it. If the contact information you have provided is false or fraudulent, ANWESHA CRM reserves the right to terminate your access to the Service in addition to any other legal remedies.

Termination for Cause

Any breach of your payment obligations or unauthorized use of Anwesha CRM’s technology or Service will be deemed a material breach of this Agreement. ANWESHA CRM, in its sole discretion, may terminate your password, account or use of the Service if you breach or otherwise fail to comply with this Agreement. In addition, ANWESHA CRM may terminate a free account at any time in its sole discretion. You agree and acknowledge that ANWESHA CRM has no obligation to retain the Customer Data, and may delete such Customer Data, if you have materially breached this Agreement, including but not limited to failure to pay outstanding fees, and such breach has not been cured within 30 days of notice of such breach.

Representations and Warranties

Each Party represents and warrants that it has the legal power and authority to enter into this Agreement. ANWESHA CRM warrants that it will provide this Service in a manner comparable with the general industry standards and that the Service will perform substantially in accordance with the online www.saleswah.com, www.saleswahcrm.com, crm.saleswah.com (or any other online property owned/ leased by it) documentation under normal use and circumstances. You represent and warrant that you have not falsely identified yourself nor provided any false information to gain access to the Service and that your billing information is correct.

Mutual Indemnification

You agree to hold ANWESHA CRM staff, licensors, affiliates, partners, employees, agents, and officers harmless against all claims, damages, losses, and fees, including legal or attorneys fees arising from any claim of damages or infringement arising from the use of software and/ or services from any ANWESHA CRM sites.

ANWESHA CRM agrees to indemnify you and your organization, staff, licensors, affiliates, partners, employees, agents, and officers harmless against all claims, damages, losses, and fees, including legal or attorneys fees arising from any claim of damages or infringement arising from the use of any software hosted on any ANWESHA CRM sites, so long as that use does not violate the terms of this agreement. In no case shall either party’s total liability exceed the amount paid for the service.

Disclaimer of Warranties

Although the staff of ANWESHA CRM is dedicated to providing high-quality software products and services, ANWESHA CRM and its licensors make no guarantee of the suitability of the its software for any particular usage. This includes the following: While history has shown 99.9 percent up-time, past up-time is no guarantee of future performance. While the staff of ANWESHA CRM has done its utmost to guarantee the accuracy of all statements on its websites, Anwesha CRM does not warrant or make any guaranty of the accuracy, reliability, timeliness, or completeness of the service or its content. All software service is provided on an “as is” basis, and any implied warranty of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or non-infringement of third party rights are herby disclaimed to the full extent permitted by applicable law by Anwesha CRM and its licensors. In some jurisdictions, the exclusion of implied warranties is prohibited, and these disclaimers may not apply to you.

Internet Delays

ANWESHA CRM’s service may be subject to limitations, delays and other problems inherent in the use of the Internet and other electronic communications. ANWESHA CRM is not responsible for any delays, delay failures, or other damage resulting from such problems.

Limitation of Liability

In no event shall either party’s aggregate liability exceed the amounts actually paid by and/or due from you in the twelve (12) month period immediately preceding the event giving rise to such claim. in no event shall either party and/or its licensors be liable to anyone for any indirect, punitive, special, exemplary, incidental, consequential or other damages of any type or kind (including loss of data, revenue, profits, use or other economic advantage) arising out of, or in any way connected with this service, including but not limited to the use or inability to use the service, or for any content obtained from or through the service, any interruption, inaccuracy, error or omission, regardless of cause in the content, even if the party from which damages are being sought or such party’s licensors have been previously advised of the possibility of such damages.

Export Control

Some features of the services may be subject to export control. When using the service beyond the borders of the Republic of India, it is your responsibility to conform to all applicable laws. By using the services from Anwesha CRM you represent the following:

1. You are not located in an embargoed country.

2. You will comply with the export Laws of India.

3. None of the content or information acquired through the use of Anwesha’s products and services is used in activities associated with missiles or weapons that are nuclear, biological, or chemical.


The laws of the Republic of India, shall govern this agreement. Any disputes arising out of this agreement shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the courts located in or near New Delhi, INDIA.

Notice- legal or otherwise

ANWESHA CRM may give notice by means of a general notice on the Service or electronic mail to your e-mail address on record in ANWESHA CRM’s account information. Such notice shall be deemed to have been given upon the expiration of 48 hours after posting the general notice or 12 hours after sending (if sent by email).

You may give notice to ANWESHA CRM by E-Mail sent to Legal@Anwesha.in

Additional Information

If you have further questions about the our products and services, please send an e-mail to sales@saleswah.com.

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