Strategic goals behind Service CRM implementation for DG Set maintenance

A Saleswah Service CRM Case Study

maintenance and repair software

Strategic objectives behind service CRM rollout

The company top management had the following strategic objectives:

Asset management

  1. Updated health status of equipment: The company wanted to be on top of the uptodate health status for every equipment under maintenance. This included historical service record, spares used, defects and repairs etc.Service CRM DG Set Case study - Strategic goals 1
  2. Replacement analysis and planning: Customer wanted to be able to categorize equipment by performance based on metrics such as lube oil and fuel consumption to be able to judge which ones might be due for complete overhaul or even replacement with new assets.

Operations improvement

  1. Territory management, route planning, loading: the management wanted to have the data on manpower utilization on different clusters so that they could tweak territory allocation at various levels.
  2. Cost optimization: the objective was to gain insights into loaded cost metrics for different activities so that the right actions could be planned on overall operations cost minimization.

People planning

The company wanted to profile the type of field service requirements and understand the skills needed, identify the gaps and be able to work with HR to bridge the skill gaps.

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