Grahak Setu is now “Simply C2”

Grahak Setu is now "Simply C2" 1

We have now made Grahak Setu available to customers in the Playstore of 150 plus countries around the world.

And, along with that, we have renamed it. Grahak Setu is now called Simply C2.

Here’s the link in the playstore where you can download it. Please check that it is available for download in your country.

What is Simply C2?

Simply C2 is an app which is free for your customers to download and use. They can use it to log complaints and even track the status of their complaints.

Grahak Setu is now "Simply C2" 2

Simply Customer to Companies. Simply C2.

Why Simply C2?

Your customers want to reach you to report a problem with an equipment they have purchased from you. The conventional way is for you to set up a call centre and let your customers know the number to call.

There are problems with this. A call centre is not cheap to set up and run. Also, in many cases, you need to offer services in multiple languages. This is true in India, rest of Asia, Europe and Africa.

Grahak Setu is now "Simply C2" 3

So, if you are selling and supporting a global client base, you need to spend a lot of money.

Also, a call centre may even capture the details incorrectly. Leading to loss of time to respond and customer dissatisfaction.

Thus we thought of Simply C2. It is an app which allows your customers to log a complaint from anywhere in the world at any hour.

What do you get when you get onboard Simply C2?

When you get onboard the Simply C2, this is what you get:

  1. List your product/ brand on the platform
  2. Admin access to Saleswah CRM- that’s where the your customers’ complaints will be logged; automatically – without any intervention from your side.
  3. Your customer gets a simple way to log complaints and store his owned equipment details in one place.
Grahak Setu is now "Simply C2" 4

What do you need to do to get onboard Simply C2?

To summarize, if you are a manufacturer and need to provide after sales service of any machinery- for consumer or industrial use- then here’s how you can set up a way to log complaints at negligible cost.

  1. Ask to be listed as a service provider on Simply C2. Click here
  2. Once your listing is confirmed, simply let your customers know this new way of logging complaints for you. We provide a tool-kit for your customers to get started using it.

How do you configure Saleswah CRM?

Along with your listing on Simply C2, you will get an account in Saleswah CRM with admin access.

It will be partly pre-configured. Follow the basic configuration steps in the wizard for the rest. WhatsApp or email us in case you need help.

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